Innovation in the training of personnel for the fashion industry

  • Koroleva L.A.

    Ph.D., Associate Professor
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


Entering the twenty-first century as an educated person can only be good using information technology. To lay the foundation for information culture, the Internet project «Technology of Garments» (IP «ToG») is being developed at the Department of Design and Technology. The current level of development of the clothing industry puts forward new requirements for specialists working in it, which directly affects the process of their training and retraining. In VSUES among students of all forms of training and teachers of the Department of Design and Technology there is always a need for technological information, modernly organized, and its constant updating. Attempts to satisfy these requests led to the development of a new segment in the learning process - the Internet project «Technology of Garments» and a site with the same name.

This article presents the results of the analysis of electronic information sources in the field of designing and manufacturing of clothes and substantiates the urgency of developing the Internet project «Technology of Garments». The main purpose of creating IP «ToG» is to create the most useful, informative-saturated product, users of which should be students of various forms of education, teachers and industry specialists. The approach to creating an Internet project involves the introduction of new information technologies in the learning process. Information sources of creation of IP «ToG» are materials of special and normative technical literature, electronic resources of the Internet, as well as analysis of structures of technological units of finished products.

The structure of the IP «ToG» involves the allocation of several autonomous sections. The first section - Database of structures of technological units of outer clothing (DB STUOC), «Thesaurus», «Lessons», «News», «Information».

This development provided an opportunity for all visitors to the site to be aware of the latest advances in technology and technology of clothing production. Use of the Internet project «Technology of Garments» allows you to optimize the learning process, improve the efficiency of the process of teaching students and the work of teachers, reducing the time to prepare assignments.

Keywords: information technologies, education, clothing design, sewing products technology, technological node designs.